Wednesday12 March 2025

Legislative updates: key changes for businesses and authorities in the first half of February.

Key regulatory innovations from the past week.
Новости законодательства: что изменилось для бизнеса и власти в первой половине февраля.

How Legislation Changed from 06.01.2025 to 12.02.2025


Presidential decrees:

  • Document: Law 4203-IX dated 09.01.2025 (came into effect on 08.02.2025) regarding the improvement of the organization of medical assistance with the use of transplantation.

Essence of the changes. The law prohibits the removal of anatomical materials for transplantation and/or the manufacture of bioimplants from deceased individuals belonging to:

1) orphaned children and children deprived of parental care;

2) individuals recognized as legally incapacitated in accordance with the established legal procedure;

3) individuals whose identity is not established (unidentified persons);

4) individuals who died (passed away) as a result of coercive measures applied by employees of law enforcement, military, and other bodies authorized by law or other regulatory acts to use and apply coercive measures;

5) individuals from the defense and security forces who died while performing their official duties in Ukraine or in specific localities where martial law is imposed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law";

6) individuals who died (passed away) as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine.

  • Document: Law 4213-IX dated 14.01.2025 (came into effect on 09.02.2025) on regulating economic activities regarding services under martial law conditions.

Essence of the changes. The law introduces many innovations in the electricity market, specifically increasing the annual support quota for "green" auctions from 25% to 50%.

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