Friday03 January 2025

A central MSEC official has been exposed for bribery.

During the searches, nearly $20,000 and documents related to disability registration were seized from her.
В центральной МСЭК выявили чиновницу, замешанную в коррупции.

Law enforcement officials have uncovered a case of bribery involving the deputy head of the Central Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC).

This was reported by the Office of the Prosecutor General.

The official was detained while accepting a bribe. According to the investigation, she promised to assist in granting disability status to a conscript for the purpose of removal from military registration in exchange for $2000.

Law enforcement conducted searches and discovered nearly $20,000 in her possession, along with documents related to the disability application. The official is accused of abusing her influence. A preventive measure has been chosen for her, although the prosecution has not disclosed the specifics.

Посадовицю центральної МСЕК викрили на хабарництві

Background. Previously, Mind reported that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the creation of a modern system to replace MSEC. The replacement will be the "system for assessing the daily functioning of an individual."