Thursday06 February 2025

The Scottish government is considering the introduction of "cat containment zones."

In Scotland, there may be a ban on cats in certain areas due to the threat they pose to wildlife.
Шотландское правительство изучает идею создания «зон для содержания кошек».

In Scotland, there are discussions about potentially limiting or even banning the keeping of pet cats in certain areas to protect local wildlife. The relevant report was prepared by the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) at the request of the government. This is reported by Daily Mail.

One of the proposals is to establish "cat containment zones," where strict restrictions on their movement would be implemented to reduce the interaction between domestic cats and the wild Scottish cat population. Similar measures are already in place in Australia, where cats are prohibited from roaming freely unless they are in specially designed enclosures or on a leash.

However, the proposal has sparked outrage among citizens. The charity Cats Protection points out that cats are an important part of family life for many Scots, and such restrictions could significantly harm the welfare of the animals.

The Scottish government has not yet made a decision but is exploring possible ways to mitigate the negative impact of cats on the country's wildlife.