Ukrainian Telegram channels speculate that during a massive drone strike on the Russian port of Tuapse on the Black Sea, a military ship may have been hit. Currently, there is no reliable confirmation of this.
Russian Telegram channels reported for about 3–4 hours local time about repelling an attack from several dozen Ukrainian drones that struck Tuapse in waves.
According to information from a network of Russian monitoring channels, the drones were launched from the Odesa region and flew over the Black Sea, bypassing Crimea.
Residents of Tuapse reported explosions in chats, and later a photo appeared online showing smoke, presumably over the port, as reported by the BBC.
In the morning, the channel "Prigranichye" stated: "Unfortunately, there are consequences in Tuapse, but not on land."
The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that eight Ukrainian drones were shot down over the Krasnodar region during the night.
Tuapse is located on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region, 120 km from Novorossiysk, where a significant portion of the Russian Black Sea Fleet was relocated after Ukrainian drone and missile strikes on Crimean bases.