Wednesday12 March 2025

The regulator has updated the list of SCAM projects, adding 9 new cases to it.

Currently, there are a total of 401 SCAM projects listed.
Регулятор обновил список мошеннических проектов: добавлено 9 новых случаев.

The National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) has added nine more cases to the list of unreliable investment projects.

This information can be found on the regulator's website.

It is noted that there are currently 401 SCAM projects on the list.

New questionable projects have been added, specifically:

The commission also reminds potential investors of the significant risks associated with investing, including:

  • individuals whose activities in Ukraine are not regulated in any way;
  • individuals providing misleading information about licensed and supposedly official activities in countries with developed financial markets.

A complete list of projects is available on the official NSSMC website in the “Investor Rights Protection” section.

Background. Previously, Mind reported that the NSSMC recognized another 5 investment projects as unreliable. The activities of these cases are not regulated in any way in Ukraine.