On Saturday, February 15, overcast skies are expected in Dnipro and the surrounding region, along with wet snow accumulation, icy conditions on the roads, and fog. Visibility in the fog will be between 300-500 meters. This information is reported by "Vidomo," referencing the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for Hydrometeorology.
During the night and in the morning, wet snow accumulation, icy conditions on the roads, and fog are anticipated.
In the daytime, light wet snow is expected, with localized wet snow accumulation and icy conditions on the roads.
The wind will be from the south, shifting to the northwest during the day, at speeds of 7-12 m/s.
In the regional center, thermometers will show 0°, with daytime temperatures ranging from -1° to -3° Celsius.
In the Dnipropetrovsk region, air temperatures throughout the day will vary from -3° Celsius to +2° Celsius.