Friday14 March 2025

Police in Dnipropetrovsk are evacuating elderly residents from a frontline community (VIDEO).

Evacuations of residents are still ongoing in the Mezhivskyi district of Dnipropetrovsk region.
Полиция Днепропетровщины эвакуирует пожилых жителей из прифронтового района (СМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО)

In Dnipropetrovsk region, the evacuation of individuals located in communities close to the combat zone will continue, reports "Vidomo" citing the Dnipropetrovsk police.

Police officers from the Mezheva territorial community, along with local authorities, assisted a 72-year-old woman in relocating to Mezheva, where she will temporarily reside. With tears in her eyes, the grandmother leaves her home, but she hopes to return.

The woman, named Vera, lived in the village of Novopodgorodnoye within the Mezheva territorial community. However, due to the criminal actions of the occupiers, she is forced to leave her family home.